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Rhyll Coast Action

Caring for Rhyll's beautiful Coastline

Our members share a passion for nurturing a healthy environment where indigenous plants and
wildlife thrive
, and the beauty of the landscape is preserved for future generations.


The group exists to:
• foster direct community involvement in the care and management of the Rhyll foreshore
from McIwraith Road to Hastings Street
• increase knowledge of local plants and their propagation
• revitalise the coastline
• restore bird habitat
• control weeds from spreading into the Rhyll Inlet and into the Nature Park
• (RCA Inc. Association Rules)


Our History

RCA (Rhyll Coast Action) was formed in 1998 by a group of residents who were concerned about the degradation of the coastline. Together with Phillip Island Nature Park and others, they planned the rejuvenation of the Northern coastline, McIlwraith Road to the Yacht Club. They met monthly, found funding, sourced seed, and undertook the mammoth task of clearing gorse and other weeds. Thanks to their vision and hard work, the Northern cliffs are now covered by indigenous vegetation which provides habitat, erosion mitigation, and a beautiful landscape. Maintenance weeding is ongoing and some replanting continues.

The document which guided this work is
The Rhyll Foreshore Reserve: an assessment and recommendations for works to be undertaken by the Rhyll Coast Action Group. Bronwyn Teesdale, 1999. (Held by RCA)

Rhyll Coast Action Inc. Today

The structure and procedures set up by RCA founders, serve us well today. We assist Bass Coast Shire Council in the management of the coastline. There is an annual AGM. Other meetings are held as the need arises. Regular working bees, open to the public, are held as new projects are undertaken or for maintenance
of previous projects. Grants are sought and sometimes contractors are hired to deal with work beyond our scope. We also inform loca
l residents about common garden weeds or non-indigenous plants and how they can spread to the coast.

In 2018, RCA engaged Alison Oates of Oates Environmental Consulting Pty Ltd to prepare a document for our current needs:

Rhyll Vegetation Survey and Management Plan. Alison Oates, August, 2018.

Today's major effort is on the southern foreshore from Walton Street to Trafalgar Street where the latest successful project has been eradicating Blue Periwinkle along the Beach Road cutting.


Above: June 2018 information session

Get Involved

You don't have to be a member to join in a working bee and there are no age barriers.

You will be made most welcome.
There's a task for every skill and level of fitness, for example:
weeding and planting
assembling plant guards
hosting morning tea after events

Check the NEWS tab for details of upcoming Working Bees. (Link the News page)
We are always looking for new members and make them most welcome. If you are new to Rhyll, it's a great way to meet friends. Our members contribute in many different ways from taking on a role on the committee to attending working bees when they have time.

We welcome you to join our group. All ages are welcome. Annual membership is $10.

For membership enquiries contact:

Name: Ron Kousal (Secretary)


Phone: 0481 585 815

Facebook: Rhyll Coast Action Facebook Page

Calm Sea
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